Eldritch Horror: The Dreamlands Expansion
*This expansion is NOT a complete game *本擴充不能獨立進行遊戲
- 遊戲人數:1-8人
- 適合年齡:14歲以上
- 遊戲時間:約120-240分
更多 同款擴充 桌遊
迥然不同的另一個世界開始融入你所在的現實世界,伴隨著怪事叢生。許多人都被 同一個噩夢所困擾,夢中一個漆黑的生物無聲無息地掠過天穹。而其他人則靜靜 地陷入了沉睡,永遠不再醒來。
現實世界的結構和理性迅速地分崩離析。阻擋 在人類與無盡虛空之間的,就只有包括你在內的寥寥幾名勇者。
《幻夢境》擴展引入了幻夢境側邊版圖,開啟的奇異的傳送門將連通清 醒世界和幻夢境。
還有8位勇敢的新調查員會加入到英雄行列中來, 他們將抵禦不斷增長的危險,捍衛世界,其中還加入了神祕的倫道 夫·卡特等忠誠的盟友。
*Rules in Chinese 內含中文說明書
It has been months since you saw the sunset city in a dream—towering minarets and domes, crossed by shadow and red light from the gently setting orb of fire that permanently rests outside the city. Since then, you’ve crossed these borders every night, searching for the city, hoping to set foot inside. You have seen wonders beyond compare: the sacred cats of Ulthar and the turquoise and tourmaline city of Celephaïs that rests beneath the gingko-covered slopes of Mount Aran. You have all but abandoned your waking life, eating less and less, spending more and more time asleep. But tonight is different. There, on the silvery, blade-thin horizon between wakefulness and sleep, the black ships from the moon have finally caught up to you.
Descend into a world of sleep and splendor with The Dreamlands, the latest expansion for Eldritch Horror. For the first time, you have the chance to walk upon the sweet-smelling grass of the Enchanted Wood, travel into the Underworld, or sail off the edge of the world and voyage to the moon—this expansion introduces an entirely new side board, portraying the mystical, ethereal Dreamlands. As the realm of dreams leaks into our waking world, you’ll find eight new investigators that stand united against two insidious Ancient Ones: Altach-Nacha the Dreamweaver and Hypnos, the Lord of Sleep. With a massive array of new Spells, Conditions, Assets, Adventures, Mythos cards, and encounters for every location, The Dreamlands promises adventures unmatched by anything in the waking world.