Figure-rise Standard Amplified THE LEGE
- Release date: August 2023
- Price: 4,800 yen (excluding tax)
『Yu☆Game☆王デュエルモンスターズ』より「Summon God エクゾディア」がFigure-rise Standard Amplified でファンwaitingのthree-dimensional!
The total height is about 210mm, and it has a strong sense of force!
The パーツ division and the とモールド expression and the forced force のあるsculpting を実appear.そのほか、KADOにShiされたAmplifiedならではのアレンジがキャラクターのCharm を Increased width させる.
The unique な面やボディのmodel様は refreshed and divided で is reproduced.
The head and chest are movable, and the waist and waist are movable. The shoulder strap has a 2-axis movable shoulder strap and a large shoulder strap. The movable モデルだからこそできるポーズ performance has a strong presence and a strong presence.
チェーンは1パーツずつ constitutes されており, and the expression is possible.
Color box size (cm): Approximately (length) 39.00 × (width) 10.50 × (height) 31.00 cm
Related information: HGD-5065437