NERF Rival Takedown Xx-800
Take down all challengers in your Nerf Rival game with the pump-fired Nerf Rival Takedown XX-800.
To load this spring-loaded centerpiece, pull the handle back and forth to prime, then pull the trigger to fire 1 ball.
The magazine capacity of Takedown XX-800 is 8 rounds, please choose the target carefully and fire continuously.
This Red Team fires at 90 feet per second, giving you the ultimate range advantage.
Easy to load: Just pull the handle backward to open the breech, load 8 darts into the chamber, push the handle forward, and then pull the trigger to fire 1 dart. Move the handle back and forth to prepare for the next shot.
Equipped with trigger lock to prevent accidental fire.
Launcher, 8 original Nerf Rival balls.