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Bandai Kaito Jeanne d'Arc Transformer
Bandai Kaito Jeanne d'Arc Transformer
Bandai Kaito Jeanne d'Arc Transformer
Bandai Kaito Jeanne d'Arc Transformer
Bandai Kaito Jeanne d'Arc Transformer
Bandai Kaito Jeanne d'Arc Transformer
Bandai Kaito Jeanne d'Arc Transformer
Bandai Kaito Jeanne d'Arc Transformer
HK$348.00 HK$409.50 /
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Phantom Thief Jeanne Special Memorize Rosary La Pucelle Collection

  • Estimated arrival date: 2024/9
  • Deadline: 2024/3/31

Regarding the shipping date, the official date shall prevail.


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"Special Memorize Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne d'Arc Rose Cross Transformer" is a special commemorative edition morpher prop toy with the theme of Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne d'Arc. This toy commercializes the transformation device of the main character, Phantom Thief Jeanne d'Arc, and reproduces its unique characteristics with an exquisite design.

This toy is manufactured by Bandai Company and uses exquisite craftsmanship such as gold plating to perfectly reproduce the appearance characteristics of the cross transformer. Not only does it have an exquisite design, it also includes the state of Kaitou Jeanne sealing the weapon with a "ribbon", as well as a chess piece after sealing and a notice letter before the action.

Players can press the button on the rosary body to trigger the glowing effect of the transformer, evoking people's nostalgic memories of the past. This toy can reproduce rich scenes such as the transformation and attacks of Kaitou Jeanne d'Arc, bringing players a fun and interactive experience.

Related information: PT-23176

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